Thursday, February 3, 2011

DOJ Grant Opportunity:Education, Training and Enhanced Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women With Disabilities

Sponsor: Violence Against Women Office/Department of Justice
Program Number: 66106
Title: Education, Training and Enhanced Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women With Disabilities                                                                                                                                                        
SYNOPSIS:  The Disability Education Grants program will provide
education and technical assistance in the form of training,
consultations, and information to organizations and programs that
provide services to individuals with disabilities and to domestic
violence programs providing shelter or related assistance.  Examples
of organizations that may receive education and assistance include:
Disability-related service organizations; Domestic violence programs
(including shelters); Sexual assault programs (including rape crisis
centers); Independent Living Centers; and Faith- and community-based
organizations (which include services that are utilized by persons
with disabilities, but are not disability specific services, such as
libraries, public transportation, job training programs).
Deadline(s): 03/03/2011

Optional Letters of Intent to apply are due March 3, 2011.  All
applicants should register online with by March 3, 2011.
All applications are due by March 17, 2011.

To apply to join, or to send comments and suggestions, contact Marc Dubin, Esq., Chair, at or at 305 896 3000.