Saturday, April 9, 2011

Underserved Populations

We want to have members of the underserved populations join the Committee, as well as those providing services to them, and those with expertise in issues affecting them. So far, we have identified the following underserved populations (feel free to suggest others, and to share your thoughts on how best to describe or identify them):
1. Women of color
2. Survivors with Limited English Proficiency
3. Members of the farmworker community
4. Members of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Questioning community
5. Spouses and partners of military personnel
6. Spouses and partners of members of law enforcement
7. Undocumented individuals from foreign countries and members of Indigenous Populations
8. Children in households experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault
9. Women with disabilities
10. Women from countries with a cultural bias toward male dominance
11. The elderly
12. Women in insular communities
13. Women who are economically disadvantaged
14. Native Americans

To apply to join, or to send comments and suggestions, contact Marc Dubin, Esq., Chair, at or at 305 896 3000.